Palatka, Florida in April of 1885.

The map below is based upon the April, 1885 fire insurance map published by the Sanborn Map and Publishing Company. Additional information was acquired from the 1885 State of Florida Census, Webb's 1886 Palatka City Directory, and the 1884 lithograph of the Bird's Eye View of Palatka by Beck and Pauli published by J. J. Stoner.

The 1885 fire insurance map is limited to the downtown section of Palatka bounded by Madison Street to the north, Fourth Street to the west, the St. Johns River to the east, and Laurel and Hotel Streets to the south. Throughout the 1880s Palatka was experiencing tremendous economic and population growth. Because of the limitations of the 1885 map the growth of residential areas to the north (Reid's Garden), west (Newtown--a largely African-American section), and southwest (the Hammock or the West End, and the newly-incorporated municipality of Palatka Heights) are poorly represented. Not until 1897 did the Sanborn Company expand coverage to capture some of these areas on the map of Palatka. Sanborn maps for the city of Palatka were made in the following years: 1885, 1887, 1892, 1897, 1903, 1909, 1915, 1924, and 1930. The 1930 map was updated until the 1950s with paste-on overlays.

Two notes about street names and numbers. First, in the early 1900s the north-south streets were renumbered with the names of Water and Front Street being changed to First and Second Street. As a result, the numeric designation of the streets west of these were increased by two so that the First Street of 1885 is today's Third Street, and so forth. Secondly, while the maps provides individual house or lot numbers these are arbitrary and do not correspond to those assigned today. Actual lot numbers began appearing on the Sanborn maps in the early 1900s.

To see an individual city block just click on it with your left mouse button.  This will take you to a full-size image of that block with more information on the buildings found there. Within each city block more information may be available for certain structures.  If there is, your cursor should change to a hand pointing its finger when you mouse-over that structure. Clicking on that structure will take you to a page devoted to it alone. A legend to the Sanborn maps can be found here. The original maps used color to denote whether a structure was wooden frame, brick, etc. The source for the map below lacked that information. Most buildings in Palatka were wooden frame so unless otherwise stated herein it is safe to assume any particular building was made of wood.

Block 25 - Water Street from Reid north to Madison. Block 8 - Lemon and Oak Streets between Second and Third Streets. Block 22 - Main and Madison Streets between Front and First Street. Block 1 -- Main and Madison Streets between Third and Fourth Streets Block 11 -- Main and Madison Streets between Second and Third Steets. Block 12 -- Main and Madison Streets between First and Second Streets. Block 23 -- Main and Madison Streets between Water and Front Streets. Block 2 -- Main and Orange Streets between Third and Fourth Streets. Block 10 -- Main and Orange Streets between Second and Third Streets. Block 13 -- Main and Reid Streets between First and Second Streets. Block 21 -- Main and Reid Streets between Front and First Streets. Block 24 -- Main and Reid Streets between Water and Front Streets. Block 3 -- Orange and Lemon Streets between Third and Fourth Streets. Block 9 -- Orange and Lemon Streets between Second and Third Streets. Block 14 -- Reid and Lemon Streets between First and Second Streets. Block 20 -- Reid and Lemon Streets between Front and First Streets. Block 26 -- Reid and Lemon Streets between Water and Front Streets. Block 4 -- Lemon and Oak Streets between Third and Fourth Streets. Block 15 -- Lemon and Oak Streets between First and Second Streets. Block 19 -- Lemon and Laurel Streets between Water and Front Streets. Block 5 -- Oak and Laurel Streets between Third and Fourth Streets. Block 7 -- Oak and Laurel Streets between Second and Third Streets. Block 16 -- Oak and Laurel Streets between First and Second Streets. Block 27 -- Lemon and Laurel Streets between Water and Front Streets. Block 6 -- Kirby and Emmitt Streets between Laurel and Kirkland Streets. Block 17 -- Emmitt and River Streets between Laurel and Hotel Streets. Block 18 -- The riverfront at the foot of Laurel and River Streets. Block 25 -- The waterfront along Water Street from Reid to south of Lemon Streets. Block 25 -- The waterfront along Water Street from south of Lemon to North Laurel Streets.