Jessie I. Woods’
grave is located on land owned by Ralph and Barbara Duncan. Parcel #09-11-24-0000-0050-0000. Take CR 315 south out of Interlachen
for 15 miles to Cousintown Road. Go north on Cousintown Road
3100 feet to Charity Lane. Turn left and go approximately 1800 feet to a
double wooden gate on right. Grave is
approximately 60 yards north, slightly left of the gate. See Randall Sitz
(386-684-4226) at house at end of road for information. He is the caretaker for Mr. Duncan. KEUKA Quad.
N 29o 33.151 W 81o 48.08. (Abandoned).
The above is all the information that is
provided by the Putnam County Cemetery Task Force. However, a search of the Federal and State
Censuses of Putnam County, and the Putnam County Marriage Records, reveal that
on April 7, 1878, John W. Woods, Jr., and Adda Jane Jordan, became husband and wife. In the 1880 census, Jessie is listed as their
first and only child. The census was
conducted in June of 1880, and she is listed as being eight months old, having
been born in October of 1879. In the
1885 State Agricultural Census, Jessie is not listed, implying that she died
sometime in the intervening five years.
Meanwhile three other children were born to the family: John O., age four; Willis, two, and Jennette, six months.
By the 1910 Census, the family has grown
quite large with the notation that twelve children had been born and nine were
currently living. They are: John, 28; William, 26; Archie, 20; Ralph, 19;
Inge, 18; Louise, 13; Mary, 11; and Kate, 8.
updated 4/16/2007