cleanup partially accomplished
Beth Carter 649-9881
The Lake Como Pomona
Park Fire Dept., with about 20 helpers from the Booster Club and local
residents, turned out last Saturday to help clean the Lake Como Pomona Park
Cemetery. Brush was piled up, leaves raked, the fence repaired, and more.
Now Bernie Robinson
needs some help from people with mowers and weed eaters to finish the job. The
pump house still needs repairs, and the well needs to be redug.
If anyone wants to
help with a monetary donation, send. it to Lake Como Pomona Park Cemetery.
Fund, c/o Bernie Robinson, P.O. Box 363, Lake Como, FL32157.
Bernie Robinson standing in the Lake Como/Pomona Park
Cemetery. Much brush has been
cleared away, but the pump house and pump need repair.
Lake Como/Pomona Park
cemetery now gives evidence of the many hours of clean-up work performed
by Bernie Robinson, the Volunteer Fire Department and many other
Beth Carter 649-9881
We printed a photo
of the Lake Como/Pomona Park Cemetery a. couple month ago when debris and brush
and trash covered the entire place. The
fences were broken and the pump house was falling down.
Then Bernie Robinson
happened. He worked many hours getting
the local Volunteer Fire Department involved as well as the county and many
local volunteers. Bernie worked from
daylight until dark on many days.
Fences were repaired, trees were moved out, and the pump house was
repaired and the well dug.
The cost of
re-drilling the well and repairing the pump house was over $3,000. Bernie invites anyone who is willing to make
a donation to the fund to send it to L.C.P.P. Cemetery Fund, P. O. Box 363,
Lake Como, FL 32157. This invitation is
especially extended to anyone who has family buried .at the cemetery.
Some of the stories
of those buried in the cemetery were passed on to Bernie during the
renovation. They included children
killed in the train/school bus accident in the early 1930s, slaves and Indians,
Civil. War, WW I, WW II and Viet Nam soldiers, and Union soldiers who could be
identified by the position of their gravestone markers which face north instead
of the traditional- east, and those markers are not dated.
Much more work is to
be done when the weather cools off.
For additional information, call Bernie or Breen·Lansford at 649-4664.