All persons buried in Sweet Water Cemetery should be from the Hollister Community or have ties to the Hollister Community.  The Hollister Community is defined by the Hollister Fire Department area.


The Hollister Sweetwater Cemetery is recognized as a hallowed place for the loved and honored dead.  The cemetery shall be treated with respect and reverence.  The Cemetery Committee being duly elected by the Hollister community does hereby establish rules and regulations for Hollister Sweetwater Cemetery.  The Trustees of Sweetwater Cemetery being empowered by the Hollister Community shall interpret and implement the rules set forth in this document.


  1. No trees or shrubs planted on plot.
  2. Families of the deceased are requested to remove dead flowers from the grave within two weeks after the funeral.
  3. Nothing shall be discarded on cemetery property or in the adjacent woods.


1.      No above ground vaults will be allowed.

2.      Corner markers must be at ground level.

3.      Permanent markers must he erected within three (3) months from date of burial.

4.      Monument companies must secure cemetery approval of plans before erecting any monument.

5.      Grave sites to be marked with head stones. Slabs and foot stones will be allowed at ground level

6.      Plot sizes - 5 X 10 feet.

7.      Plots with gravel must have edges and be maintained by family.


1.      Two (2) urns per plot or up to 5 urns per plot.

2.      There shall be no more than one erected headstone per plot.  Names of all persons whose ashes are buried in that plot shall be engraved on the headstone.


1.      Funeral director must check with Cemetery Trustees to determine where to place grave.

2.      Soil and dirt are to be placed on heavy plastic or plywood and be replaced after the funeral by funeral director.

3.      Burial vaults are a necessity and will be required for all burials other than cremations.

4.      Vehicles will not be driven across graves for any reason.


1.      A fee of $12.00 per plot per year.

2.      A $100.00 maintenance fee at time of burial collected by the funeral home.

3.      Any individual or family who establishes a grave site and does not contribute the $12.00 (12 dollars) maintenance fee for a period of two (2) years will forfeit said grave site and it will no longer be considered reserved and will be available to anyone who requests it and makes the requested contribution.

4.      As of today, June 26, 2003, no new plots will be established unless by consent of a trustee.

5.      Collection of fees will begin on or about September 1, 2003.


1.      There will be five (5) trustees elected by the Hollister Community at the Annual Meeting.

2.      Trustee officers should include a chairperson, a secretary/treasurer and a caretaker.

3.      Duties will include the enforcement of cemetery rules, overseeing the care and maintenance of the. cemetery, establishing a fund for maintenance and improvements to the cemetery.

4.      Trustees shall annually report on the status of the cemetery and cemetery fund.

5.      Trustees who can no longer serve or choose no longer to serve, should be replaced at the next annual meeting.

6.      All five (5) Trustees .shall post signatures at the bank.  Two (2) signatures will be required on all checks.

7.      A post office at the Hollister Post Office shall be required.  The Hollister Sweetwater Cemetery address is: P. O. Box 334, Hollister, FL  32147.

The Hollister Sweetwater Cemetery Committee nominates the following for the Trustees:

Esther Barber Cornelio                L. D. Osteen                Rachel Chesser Reid

Frank Shrouder                           Ross Stoeffler





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